Aims & Objectives

  • To prepare and execute detailed plans and programmes for the Society and to carry on its administration and management.
  • To receive grants and fees / charges / contributions to have custody of and to expand, the fund of the Society and to manage its properties.
  • To prepare the budget estimates of the Society for each year and to sanction expenditure within the limits of the budget as approved by the State Government.
  • To prescribe rules and regulations for the admission of students to the various All India Council for Technical Education approved Technical courses of study in conformity with the policy approved in this behalf by the State Government/ All India Council for Technical Education /Pharmacy Council of India/Council of Architecture / Universities of the State and other relevant apex bodies.
  • To prescribe rules and regulations for and to hold examinations / admissions tests and declare results, conduct counselings and to make admissions.
  • To recommend creation of posts in the society with the approval of Finance Department, and to make appointments thereto, by recruitment, by transfer / deputation of employees of State/ Central Govt./ autonomous bodies/ University or out sourcing the various jobs / works /experts for the efficient management of the affairs of the Society.
  • To conduct refresher and short-term courses, counseling and mentoring for the benefits of all students in general and rural students in particular.
  • To institute freeships and scholarships, awards and incentives to promote Technical Education amongst socially and financially backward students.
  • To co-operate and establish links with any other organization in the matter of entrance tests, counselings, admissions, training & to collect fee etc. on behalf of Society/ Technical Institutions.
  • To fix and demand fees / Counseling fee and other charges payable to the Society.
  • To acquire and hold property provided that prior approval of the State Government, wherever required, is obtained for the acquisition of moveable/ immovable property
  • To deal with any property belonging to or vested in the Society in such manner as the Society may deem fit for the advancement of its objective, provided that no immovable property of the Society shall be disposed off, in any manner whatsoever, without the prior approval of the State Government
  • To deposit the money credited to the fund of the Society with such banks, or to invest the same in such manners, as the Society may deem fit
  • To meet, out of the fund of the Society, the expenses incurred by the Society in the exercise of its powers and the performance of its functions and in the functioning of the society.
  • To prepare and maintain accounts and other relevant records and an annual statement of accounts including the balance sheet of the Society in such form as may be prescribed by the State Government.
  • To consider and pass such resolutions on the annual report, the accounts and the financial estimates of the Society.
  • To forward annually to the State Government the accounts of the Society as certified by an auditor/ Chartered Accountant engaged/ appointed by the Society.
  • To make contracts and enter into agreements.
  • To regulate the retirements, training, promotion, demotion and discharge of employees, if any, under the rules and byelaws of the Society
  • To save and defend all legal proceedings on behalf of Govt. / Technical Education Department / related institutes / Affiliating Universities/ related agencies and the society.
  • To appoint committees for the disposal of any business of the Society or for tendering advice in any matter pertaining thereto.
  • To delegate, to such extent as it may deem necessary, any of its powers to any member / staff of the Society or to any committees of the Society
  • To add, to amend, vary or rescind to time, with the prior approval of the State Government, the rules or the regulation of, and for any purposes connected with the management and administration of the affairs of the Society and admission related matter and for the furtherance of the objects of the Society;
  • To make, adopt, amend, vary or rescind, from time to time byelaws for :- (a) the conduct of the business of the Society and the committees appointed by it; and (b) the co-option of members to the Society, and To perform such other functions and to carry out such other duties as may, from time to time, be assigned to it by the State Government.